Workshops & Groups


The Science of Relationships and Finding Your Ideal Mate
Relationship science has come a long way in the last half century, not only establishing itself as a science, but effectively generating several lines of research aimed to determine the underpinnings of universal human experiences such as attraction and love. This interactive workshop will focus on the factors we consider most important when looking for a potential mate. We will examine why people need interpersonal relationships; how they form, and what sometimes leads to their demise. 

The Science of Love in the Time of Online Dating
As more and more of us turn to websites and apps to find our “match,” we are moving into uncharted territory. Where we once had to rely on meeting people in real life (IRL), we can now select boxes, leading to an array of potential partners. This workshop will take a look at the field of relationship science. We will discuss basic human needs, as well as factors of interpersonal attraction. In addition, we will learn a technique to estimate the size of our dating pool, as well as share some take-home tips to enhance our existing relationships

Communication: The Art of Sharing, Listening, and Understanding
Have you ever felt like your romantic partner, friend, or coworker didn’t truly listen to, and understand you? Have you ever struggled to get your point across? Do you want to learn skills to make you a better communicator and partner? This workshop will look at the way in which we communicate with one another and how it can affect our relationships. You will learn useful tips for sharing and listening, as well as ways to strengthen your relationships- romantic and platonic. The science of relationships will be applied in a creative and interactive way, so that you can use the lessons to enhance your life. 

The Dating Dilemma: Mating Strategies, Hookup Culture, Social Scripts, and Signals of Interest
This workshop will use relationship science as a frame to examine courtship behaviors and choices. Specifically, we will cover different mating strategies employed by those looking for partners and the transition from dating to a hookup culture. In addition, we will take a closer look at the social scripts followed on early dates, as well as ways daters signal interest in one another. Take-home tips will be included, so that you can apply this interesting and exciting science to your life.

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
Spend your night examining love from a scientific perspective. During the course of this workshop, we will examine basic human needs, the components of love, as well as what leads to the demise of relationships. This talk will take a close look at the dark side of relationships and the process of breaking up. We will also discuss useful tips which you can employ to protect your relationships- both romantic and platonic, as well as cover some commonly held misconceptions about love and dating.

Speed Connecting
Are you looking for a fun and interactive way to meet others?  Maybe you’re looking for a new activity partner, or someone to collaborate with on your new passion project. Perhaps you’re looking for a date to bring home to the family. Or, maybe you’re just looking to make some new friends in the area. What better way than by meeting others through speed connecting? Join us for a fun activity (backed by science!) to help you meet others. 


Improv for Stress Management, Communication, and Self-care
Improv requires us to stretch our active listening muscles, embrace uncertainty, and to be present. This group is for beginners with little to no improv experience who want to learn about the benefits of improv for stress management and as a tool for self-care. Come learn, play, and have fun! 

Mindfulness, Stress Management, and Coping Skills 
Together we will take time to examine the principles of mindful awareness and engage in various practices aimed to enhance our ability to be fully present. We will also discuss stress management techniques and ways to cope with the daily challenges we face.